
Ispeak udem
Ispeak udem

ispeak udem

I was actually at an advantage in that I speak French.

ispeak udem

The winters are miserable, and I mean, miserably enough to hinder your school performance, personal life, and mood for months.ĥ. If you're not Canadian or from the far North, this might be a bad idea, weather-wise. Upper rez and solin have the best community feel, I strongly recommend them.Ĥ. They foster separation rather than community. DON'T LIVE IN A HOTEL-BASED DORM!! I did, and it was a huge mistake. There are a lot of opportunities to find friends, however - you just have to make sure you find them.ģ. If you're not very good at putting yourself out there and making social interactions, it might not go so well. You are a number to them, they treat you like a customer first and a student second.Ģ. However, there are several things you need to know about the school before you go:ġ. This is more a reflection on my needs, and not the school. From what's i've heard, teachers are more open to their students, students there get better internship placement (because at mcgill, you don't really get a say) and they are more invested in the community (website, organizing conference, etc). Overall, If you really want to study nutrition, I recommend going to UdeM instead. is more likely to make it worse than help you. Learning so much about nutrition, calories, functional foods, etc. If you have some eating di sorder (like half the students in this program), get some help. I've graduated 2 years ago with a GPA very superior to the average, multiple recommendation letters from my internships and only manage to get 2 x 4 months contracts.Īlso, if you have a strong interest about nutrition, just make a day trip to campus, purchase the books at the bookstore, read them on your own and choose a better/decent degree for a career. So do your research well before getting a degree in that domain. What kind of government would invest in health prevention? It's not like it's going to make their numbers looks good (too much spending for savings that will occurs in 10-15 + years). With constant cuttings in health care system, dietitian jobs are not exactly well paid. Just consider that there are other universities in Montreal. The party scene is high and Montreal is truly at the best student city in the world. So you might, like everyone else, get through your 4 years too wasted to realize your education worth nothing (because you really didn't learn much, but eh? it looks good on paper right?).

ispeak udem

but it should not affect their perspectives on facts).Ībout McGill in general, there is truly more drinking, parties and drugs getting done on campus than studying in general. You'll most likely end up recommending bias health advice because you really don't know what's true and what's not true about nutrition getting out of the dietetics degree at McGill (where almost every teachers is getting subsidy from a branch of the food industry. McGill nutrition program is not about using your logic, facts or science, but pleasing the person grading your work.

ispeak udem

I had consecutive classes in a same course where the material is just contradictory. Most teachers are unapproachable and so are their TAs. McGill is constantly degrading in world ranking because they don't value their student or the quality of teaching. Classes are either ridiculously easy (getting 3 credits when really its a 0.5 credit course like food fundamental) or insane (3 credits for clinical nutrition when, let's be honest, the exam and course work is humanly impossible to absorb in one semester and should worth 6 credits). You are more tested on your ability to remember stuff by heart than use your logic.

Ispeak udem